Consulting Services
Hallock College Consulting helps students find the right college. Amy provides several packages which can assist the student from the beginning of the college selection process through the final decision of which college to attend. Her experience and knowledge with the college application process can help alleviate stress for both the student and parents. Call for package pricing.
Amy analyzes the student’s academic profile as well as his or her personal interests, preferences and talents, and then creates a list of appropriate colleges to which he or she should apply. The list will include target, likely and reach colleges.
The student and Amy meet together to brainstorm ideas for a topic that will convey important qualities about the student to the admissions representative who will be evaluating the essay. Once a topic is selected, Amy will help the student produce an outline and will provide guidance on what admissions representatives look for when they read the essay. When the outline is completed, the student will compose a rough draft of the essay. Amy will review the rough draft, editing both sentence structure and grammar, while maintaining the student's voice. Then, she will meet with the student to review and explain the changes that should be made to the rough draft. At this point, the student will complete a second draft, followed by continuous revisions that will culminate in a final essay.
A resume is an important tool for letters of recommendation, interviews, and supplemental information attached to applications. It assists the student in highlighting important achievement and extracurricular activities.
Some colleges offer an Early Decision or Early Action options, and Amy will help the student decide if applying Early Decision or Early Action is appropriate. Amy will also review the application before it is submitted.
An interview, which can be on campus, at the high school, or with a local alumnus shows the admissions committee that the student is serious about attending the particular college. Such demonstrated interest is often an important factor of admission. Amy will give the student guidance on what to expect, such as typical questions an interviewer might ask, what the interviewer might be trying to ascertain about the student, and what the student should and should not ask the interviewer. Amy will conduct a mock interview with the student, using typical interview questions. Lastly, she will advise the student on proper follow up procedures with the admissions office after the interview.
Evaluation of Accepted Colleges
For those students who have already submitted their applications, Amy can provide guidance in selecting which college ultimately to attend. She will analyze a variety of factors to help the student select a college that will be the right fit.
Exclusive College Presentations
Several times a year, Amy hosts college presentations for her students and their parents. College representatives from both public and private institutions meet with groups of her students to educate them about the college and answer any questions. These presentations are beneficial as they provide the opportunity for the student to learn more about the college, show demonstrated interest and meet with the representative who will be evaluating their applications.